Dijete i jezik danas 2017.

Prosljeđujemo poziv na VIII. međunarodni znanstveni skup DIJETE I JEZIK DANAS (DiJ 2017.). Tema  skupa je Razvoj pismenosti u materinskom i inom jeziku. Detaljnije informacije možete pronaći ovdje. DiJ 2017. – Drugi poziv Prijavni obrazac DiJ 2017.

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Poziv na konferenciju

Poštovani čitatelji, u nastavku možete naći poveznicu / poziv na konferenciju Our Mythical Hope in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture… The (In)efficacy of Ancient Myths in Overcoming the Hardships of Life. POZIV

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Poziv na konferenciju

Children’s and YA Literature at Midwest Modern Language Association 2017 November 9-12 in Cincinnati, OH In recognition of this year’s conference theme, “Artists and Activists,” we welcome papers that explore issues in children’s and young adult literature broadly, but especially invite those that explore the ways that writers of literature for young people have addressed…

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