U spomen – Joža Skok

Pripremila: Ana Željeznjak  Jedan od najvećih poznavatelja hrvatske dječje književnosti, hrvatski povjesničar dječje književnosti, antologičar i esejist Joža Skok preminuo je 8. rujna 2017. godine u 86. godini života. Profesor Joža Skok rođen je 1931. godine u Petrijancu pored Varaždina. Studirao je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu gdje 1956. godine završava Studij skupine narodni jezik…

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Call for Papers

Call for Papers: 2018 ChLA Diversity Committee’s Annual Sponsored Panel Children’s Literature Association Conference 2018 June 28-30, 2018 San Antonio, Texas Barriers, Borders, and Bridges Borders can be set to separate and demarcate; or, borders can demonstrate a limited boundary that distinguishes one thing or place from another; the margins of a particular location. Within…

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IRSCL – nove publikacije

Newly published research monograph on the novel of initiation in English and German children’s literature (written in German), published by Winterverlag. Here is the link to the book *** Book on Roald Dahl (Laura Viñas Valle, “De-constructing Dahl“, 2016) is now available in paperback. For more info about the book, please visit here *** Edition…

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Barnboken – Journal of Children’s Literature Research

Call for Papers Nordic Children’s Literature Around 1968 A particular importance is usually ascribed to the years around ‘68. Some scholars have even termed the long 1960s “a mini renaissance” during which artistic standards and values, as well as ideas about society and the individual’s place in it, were transformed in certain ways (Marwick 1998)….

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