Call for Papers: Phoenix Award Session

Call for Papers: Phoenix Award Session Deadline: October 1, 2017 45th Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference Hosted by Texas State University in San Antonio June 28-30, 2018 The Phoenix Award Committee and the Phoenix Picture Book Award Committee of the Children’s Literature Association are planning a joint session at the 45th Children’s Literature Association Conference,…

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U spomen – Joža Skok

Pripremila: Ana Željeznjak  Jedan od najvećih poznavatelja hrvatske dječje književnosti, hrvatski povjesničar dječje književnosti, antologičar i esejist Joža Skok preminuo je 8. rujna 2017. godine u 86. godini života. Profesor Joža Skok rođen je 1931. godine u Petrijancu pored Varaždina. Studirao je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu gdje 1956. godine završava Studij skupine narodni jezik…

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Call for Papers

Call for Papers: 2018 ChLA Diversity Committee’s Annual Sponsored Panel Children’s Literature Association Conference 2018 June 28-30, 2018 San Antonio, Texas Barriers, Borders, and Bridges Borders can be set to separate and demarcate; or, borders can demonstrate a limited boundary that distinguishes one thing or place from another; the margins of a particular location. Within…

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IRSCL – nove publikacije

Newly published research monograph on the novel of initiation in English and German children’s literature (written in German), published by Winterverlag. Here is the link to the book *** Book on Roald Dahl (Laura Viñas Valle, “De-constructing Dahl“, 2016) is now available in paperback. For more info about the book, please visit here *** Edition…

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